LADIES - It's Time For Change!

A new book is here, for women
who want to elevate their confidence

"Words, Women & Wisdom:
The Modern Art of Confident Conversations"
launched Nov. 1st 2018 and hit Bestseller on Amazon on
Nov. 2nd (in two categories).


Women are still holding a small percentage of senior leadership roles (26.5%), it's time for change.

In many countries, women are paid less than men (87c in Canada for each $1 men earn, and 81.8% in the U.S. of what men earned in 2017).

This new book, which hit Bestseller status overnight, by Women of Inspiration Award Recipient and seasoned Confidence Coach Yvonne E.L. Silver 
teaches ways for women to elevate their voices, increase their confidence and success.

The book shares forty words and word concepts,
to help women rediscover their inner confidence and take a stand in life and business, by using powerful language — in modern ways.

    "Words, Women & Wisdom:
The Modern Art of Confident Conversations"
is now on AUDIOBOOK!

Select any of the 8 Chapters,
with powerful conversation insights:

* When dog-walking, cycling, beach strolling & learning...
* Baking - while discovering how to say "NO!" politely
* Asking for a raise - yes, even in COVID
* Enrolling your kids for household chores - yes, really...
* Showcasing your value - BOLDLY!
* Negotiating a high salary - job interview
* Stopping any negative self-talk!!!!
* Declining a dinner invitation - respectfully
* How to add focus, prioritize, delegate...
* Networking your way into a promotion
* Demonstrating power with your presence alone!
And so much more...

NEW BONUS GIFTS!!!! Pick up your AUDIOBOOK today, and also receive:

BONUS 1 - The e-book version of Chapter 8 - When No Words Are Required... (for your note-taking)

BONUS 2 - WHAT'S MY CONFIDENCE LEVEL? Professional Woman's Quiz

BONUS 3 - 25-MINUTE POWER COACHING session with me (valued at $240).

  Order your copy today:
                     AUDIOBOOK (launching July, 2021)
    Paperback and e-book: 